Thursday, July 23, 2009

iGoogle gets comic themes.

Which is cool. I mean. Superman gets his own set, but the Women of the DCU have to share. (I picked that one because it's got The Question). And it's unclear whether Batwoman is in there, or relegated to the Batman Reborn theme. I'm assuming these themes are going to update with ongoing storylines, right?

By the way, Spider-Woman has her own theme.


Have I missed something awesome about Marvel Comics' Spider-Woman? Because I don't think I have.

This doesn't really affect me much, since it doesn't change gmail and I don't really use iGoogle. (I search google via Firefox's handy search box). But I guess it's neat that if I ever accidentally click the wrong button I get a chance to see PG's giant breasts pointing at me over my news feed.



  1. Marvel (read: Bendis) is determined to make Spider-Woman THE go to Marvel heroine. Not sure why. I mean, I bought the original series when it came out and it does NOT hold upw well.

    There were a lot of neat superhero themes, but I ended up going with Mutts!

    No matter what...NICE!

  2. @MOCK! Really? Spider-Woman? I'll check her out on the internet, but I can't imagine her being interesting at all. Then again, I don't really like Spider-Man much either. Maybe it's the spider thing...

    Nice choice! I'm excited to rotate through various comic themes whenever I go back to iGoogle and remember I have the option.

  3. @MOCK! Really? Spider-Woman? I'll check her out on the internet, but I can't imagine her being interesting at all. Then again, I don't really like Spider-Man much either. Maybe it's the spider thing...

    Nice choice! I'm excited to rotate through various comic themes whenever I go back to iGoogle and remember I have the option.
